DavosLife BeauE

Our busy and active lifestyles these days mean that we are constantly exposed to harmful compounds that affect our skin. Our skin is constantly battered with UVA and UVB exposure, blue light and infrared radiation from the devices we use, as well as pollution.

These environmental aggressors impair our body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin, and actively promote further destruction of collagen and elastin in the skin. In addition, as we age, it is natural for our body’s collagen production to decline. Over time, this leads to visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles, dry and sagging skin. One of the best ways to boost the skin’s natural collagen levels is to take bioactive collagen peptides, Tocotrienols and Vitamin C as an oral beauty dietary supplement.

Get beautiful skin, naturally with

Daily supplementation of DavosLife BeauE, a combination of Bioactive Collagen Peptides, Tocotrienols and Vitamin C, will improve skin’s collagen levels, enhancing your looks and confidence!

Ageing Effect (Before)

Effect of Topical Cosmetics and Increased Ageing

Collagen Effect (After)

After consuming DavosLife BeauE

Why is Collagen Important?

Collagen is a naturally-occurring protein in the body and is the major structural component of the skin. It gives skin its elasticity, and the more collagen you have in your skin, the younger it will look.

Collagen naturally degrades after the age of 30, decreasing at a rate of 1 – 1.5 percent every year and by the time you turn 50, you would have lost up to 50% of the collagen in your skin. This is what leads to sagging and wrinkles on the skin.

However, collagen degradation does not occur at the same rate for everyone. Lifestyle factors such as exposure to harmful UV rays, blue light and pollution can further accelerate the degradation of collagen.

Why Collagen is Important?

*Chung et al. (2001). Journal of Inv. Dermatol.; 117(5): P1218 – 1224
Shuster et al. (1975). British J of Dermatol.; 93: 639
Fisher et al. (2002). Archives of Dermatol.; 138(11): 1462 – 1470

Main Bioactive Ingredients

DavosLife E3

DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols

(Super Vitamin E)

  • Anti-ageing
  • Anti-pollution
  • Boost collagen production
  • Depigmentation
  • Hydration
  • Skin repair
  • Sun protection
  • Blue light protection

DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols are scientifically proven to provide potent antioxidant protection to the skin, reduce inflammation, brighten the skin and boost collagen production.

This bioactive ingredient function as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent and gene modulator. As potent antioxidants, Tocotrienols are very efficient in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, reversing the signs of skin damage such as wrinkles. They help strengthen the skin’s barrier function as well, to keep skin moisturised and healthy. Tocotrienols’ strong anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation to slow down the skin ageing process. Tocotrienols can modulate the key genes involved in collagen production, Collagen I and Collagen III, leading to a boost in collagen production at the cellular level. Tocotrienols reduce the amount of melanin pigment formed and promote the breakdown of melanin.

Research studies have shown that DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols were able to reduce pollution-induced oxidative stress and inflammation, resulting in a 2.7-fold reduction in oxidative stress and a 2.2-fold reduction in inflammation. A clinical trial has shown that DavosLife E3 Tocotrienols can reduce UV-induced inflammation by up to 26% and pigmentation by up to 32%.

Fish Collagen Peptide

(Verisol® F)

  • Skin elasticity improvement
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Stronger nails

VERISOL is part of GELITA’s portfolio of Bioactive Collagen Peptides, all of which have a stimulatory effect on different collagen-containing parts of the human body and, as such, help to boost collagen production. VERISOL is scientifically proven to have positive effects on overall skin conditions, and as a consequence can help to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture in cellulite-affected areas. These results have been demonstrated in several clinical trials during the last 10 years with nearly 500 study participants.

A recent study published in 2020 confirms that supplementation with Verisol F Bioactive Collagen Peptides, at a daily dose of 5 grams, significantly improved skin elasticity and reduced wrinkle volume after 4 weeks. An even more pronounced result was seen after 8 weeks in both 50–70-year old Asian and Caucasian women1

Reference: Proksch et al. (2020) Nutrafoods; 1: 127 – 133.

Verisol Fish
Verisol Fish

Fish Collagen Peptide

(Verisol® F)

  • Skin elasticity improvement
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Stronger nails

VERISOL is part of GELITA’s portfolio of Bioactive Collagen Peptides, all of which have a stimulatory effect on different collagen-containing parts of the human body and, as such, help to boost collagen production. VERISOL is scientifically proven to have positive effects on overall skin conditions, and as a consequence can help to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture in cellulite-affected areas. These results have been demonstrated in several clinical trials during the last 10 years with nearly 500 study participants.

A recent study published in 2020 confirms that supplementation with Verisol F Bioactive Collagen Peptides, at a daily dose of 5 grams, significantly improved skin elasticity and reduced wrinkle volume after 4 weeks. An even more pronounced result was seen after 8 weeks in both 50–70-year old Asian and Caucasian women1

Reference: Proksch et al. (2020) Nutrafoods; 1: 127 – 133.

and others…


Mixed Berries

  • Antioxidant protection (Anthocyanins)
  • High in Vitamin C, to promote collagen production

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

  • Heals damaged skin
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Helps brighten and repair skin

Apple Extract

  • Antioxidant protection (Flavonoids)
  • Potent anti-inflammatory properties

Red Beetroot

  • Skin brightening
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory

Cranberry Extract

  • Increases collagen production
  • Reduces skin pigmentation
  • Protects our skin from UV rays of sun

Upgrade Your
Beauty Routine with
Vitamin E Tocotrienols

DavosLife BeauE-Pop Up-Image


Don’t just take our word for it, have a look at what our customers say …

Kulit semakin mulus & menyingkirkan pigmentasi wajah

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Testimoni saya untuk 2 bulan.Bagus sangat dalam mengurangkan parut jerawat yang susah nak hilang dan juga mengurangkan pigmentasi. Dengan rumusan Bio-Complex dapat mengurangkan pigmentasi dan merawat kulit wajah. Hari ke hari kulit wajah semakin mulus dan memuaskan hati saya. Saya suka rasanya kurang manis dan mudah disediakan. Dengan rasa mix berry so yummy 😁😁😁.. Wajah tampak kembali muda dan semakin mulus kulitnya. Very recommended ❤️❤️❤️

Fyzadani01 |Malaysia

Beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP 30-WD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Continuing consume 2 months of Beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP 30-WD collagen I noticed that my skin especially my face turn brighter and having ruddy cheeks ! Totally can go out with bare skin with full of confidence and my skin was getting more hydrated. Thank you Beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP 30-WD collagen helping me a lot !



babychery9293| Malaysia

Kulit Makin Cantik & Cerah

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Setelah 2 bulan pengambilan beau.e collagen saya sangat berpuas hati dengan keadaan kulit wajah dan perubahan tona kulit semakin cerah. Dulu masalah kulit kering dan kusam membuatkan saya kurang berkeyakinan untuk keluar ke mana-mana tanpa mekap.

Saya akan teruskan minum beau.e collagen kerana gembira dengan perubahan kulit wajah berbanding dulu. Jerawat pun susah nak tumbuh kecuali waktu hampir datang bulan. Tapi dengan mengamalkan beau.e collagen saya tidak perlu risau kerana jerawat cepat kering dalam masa seminggu sahaja.

Norjulianaazmi |Malaysia

beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP 30-WD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

On the first month of consuming this collagen, I already saw changes in my skin tone, which is more even, firmed and tighter, more even as well as brighter. Furthermore, fine lines are fewer to be seen on the forehead and around the cheeks.
On the second month of taking beau.e Davosslife E3 DVP 30-WD, my face is even more toned up, crow feet and wrinkles around the eyes are visibly gone to naked eyes. Most importantly, my dark spots seemed to be less visible. And of course, I can see glow on my face. Naturally, friends has been asking me, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what’s your secret of reversing your age? Friends and family members are truly surprised to see me recently once the MCO is relaxed and we can visit each other. My answer is : Try taking beau.e Davosslife E3 DVP 30-WD!
This is the third month of continuously taking the collagen, my skin continues to glow and I feel more confident meeting people younger than me. My dark spots is very much lesser, my skin tone is more even, and my face continues to glow with radiant. And I can safely say that I would continue taking beau.e Davosslife E3 DVP 30-WD not just to reverse signs of aging, but also to maintain my health as beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP 30-WD contains Bioactive Collagen Peptides, Tocotrienols and Vitamin C which is much needed in our body to renew, repair, nourish our skin from inside out.
Thank you, beau.e Davosslife E3 DVP 30-WD, the discovery of youth in a small convenient pack.

Avena Kam | Malaysia

Muka semakin berseri ❤️

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Haii..🙋🏻‍♀️ setelah 2 bulan consume minum collogen ini..sya telah mendapatkan kulit yg saya idamkan..bebas dri kekusaman dan parut jerawat…kulit sya semakin berseri dan tona kulit muka menjadi sekata dan cerah..😍

Eyebag sy pn dh kurang…😄 Sekarang sy lebih berkeyakinan dan happy dgn kulit wajah sy yg sihat dan beseri ini…

Noor Farahsadzwani Zainal | Malaysia

beau.e Davoslife E3 DVP Collagen

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After consuming the Beau.e. Collagen for the second month, I’ve noticed that there are quite significant improvement of my skin radiance. For now, my bare skin look pinkish, bright and smooth.

I feel so happy with the result as Beau.e collagen was helped in improving my skin’s collagen level as compared to my skin condition before i consume the products. 


Huiyun63| Malaysia

Jeragat pudar, kukit semakin glowing.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Setelah lebih 2 bulan saya mengamalkan meminum beau.é secara konsisten, banyak kesan positif yang saya lihat. Kulit semakin lembap, jerawat baru tidak tumbuh, parut jerawat lama serta jeragat semakin pudar, kulit lebih cerah & glowing. Ramai yang menegur perubahan kulit saya. Jika bergambar, saya tidak perlukan sebarang edit untuk melindungi cela di wajah kerana kulit saya semakin bersih tanpa cela yang jelas. Saya rasa lebih yakin dengan kulit baru saya ini. 😘


Nik Zulaikha| Malaysia

Selepas 2 bulan amalkan beau.e Collagen saya sangat puas hati dan gembira

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Sebagai seorang ibu kepada dua orang anak, saya selalu sibuk dan tidak sempat untuk memanjakan penjagaan kulit muka seperti pakai mask dan krim muka pada waktu malam.
Jadi, beau.e Collagen sangat membantu saya untuk menjaga kulit muka dan kulit badan juga agar sentiasa berseri dan sihat. Saya amalkan minum beau.e Collagen setiap pagi dan setiap malam pada setiap hari selama dua bulan ini.
Hasilnya saya sangat gembira dan puas hati kerana garis halus dibawah mata saya dan jeragat semakin hilang. Kulit muka saya juga semakin berseri dengan hanya amalkan minum beau.e Collagen selama dua bulan.

nadjwa51 |Malaysia

After Consume for 2 months

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After consuming for 2nd month, I could see a significant improvement in term of the skin radiance. My face is naturally pinkish and bright without the need of any concealer. I’m happy with the result ❤️


Jeannietoh | Malaysia

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